
Did you know that kale is one of the richest plants in vitamins and minerals?

Indeed, it contains calcium, Vitamin A, C and K, proteins, iron, copper, potassium and the list goes on! It is one of the most nutritious foods, it is not surprising that it is so popular with nutrition specialists. We can steam it, eat it in a salad, add it to our smoothie or eat it in chips; add a little olive oil, salt and spices to the previously washed and dried kale, cook for 15 to 20 minutes at 250°F then go and play!


Did you know that eating spinach is good for eye health?

Indeed, eating spinach would reduce the risk of developing eye diseases such as retinitis and cataracts. In addition, the carotenoids contained in this vegetable would improve night vision. Spinach is also one of the best anti-cancer foods thanks to its richness in vitamins A, C and E and antioxidants. To benefit from all these benefits, it is recommended to consume them as fresh as possible and to wash them in very cold water without letting them soak.


Did you know that the peak season for asparagus is between mid-May and mid-June? 

To choose your asparagus well, make sure that the buds are firm, rounded and dark green or purple. For more tender asparagus, opt for those with a smaller diameter. For even cooking, be sure to choose asparagus of the same size. Eat your asparagus as soon as possible because they lose their nutrients quickly. To keep them for a day or two, place them in a glass, cover them with a plastic bag and then place them in the refrigerator, you can also wrap the base of the stems in a damp cloth and place them in the fridge.


Mix the asparagus ends with 125 g of butter and orange zest;

Rub a chicken about 1.8 kg with the mixture;

Stuff the inside with a piece of bread spread with the remaining butter;

Cook the chicken at 325F (15 minutes on each thigh, 30 minutes on the back and 15 minutes on the belly);

Serve this with the asparagus tips warmed in the juice. A delight!

Green beans

Did you know that green beans are an excellent source of dietary fiber and contain many minerals essential for good health? 

To take advantage of all their benefits, it is important not to cook them too long since they will lose their nutritional value. At the grocery store, choose beans that are fine, firm, bruise-free and have a nice green color. They are delicious served with a drizzle of olive oil and a little salt, or sautéed in butter and garlic.


Did you know that the artichoke is recognized as a food that promotes digestion?

Indeed, the artichoke is rich in fiber and cynarin, a substance that facilitates intestinal transit. The artichoke is also known for its ability to protect liver cells by stimulating their regeneration when exposed to various toxins. In addition, this food is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals that help maintain good health. At the grocery store, choose a heavy, firm artichoke with tightly closed leaves and a green, easily breakable stem.


Did you know that arugula, also known by its English name "arugula", is native to the Mediterranean basin?

This plant, which is characterized by its taste reminiscent of mustard or pepper, has been consumed since Antiquity. In the Middle Ages, religious authorities forbade its cultivation since it was associated with so-called aphrodisiac properties! Nowadays, the consumption of arugula is rather recommended for the antioxidants and vitamins it contains. It is eaten raw, among other things, in salads, as a sandwich or pizza topping and cooked, for example, in a stuffing, a soup or even a quiche. It can also be used to make a delicious pesto!


Did you know that broccoli is part of the cabbage family?

This explains why it is attributed anti-cancer powers since all the foods of this family have such properties. Although broccoli is 90% water, it is packed with nutrients and vitamins! In addition… it is eaten from head to toe! Stop throwing away the stems or trunk of your broccoli; make a purée, cut them into small pieces and add them to your salads, your fried vegetables or even your soup!

Brussel sprouts

Did you know that Brussels sprouts appeared around 1950 in a town in Belgium called Obbrussel, hence its name?

It is said to be very high in fiber and offers increased protection against several types of cancers when consumed regularly. It would also help build defenses against certain degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's.
A little trick: to reduce its pronounced taste, cook the little puffs in lightly salted and lemony water.


Did you know that the term fennel comes from Latin and means "little hay"?

This vegetable is native to southern Europe, it grows wild in dry soil and a sunny environment. Fennel is very rich in fiber, so it is a food of choice to keep the line since when you eat it, you quickly feel full! This vegetable contains a significant amount of antioxidants as well as compounds with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Add it to your salads, stir-fries or even your soups to take advantage of all its benefits!


Do you know all the benefits of celery?

Celery contains a significant amount of vitamins A, B, C and K, especially when it is boiled, drained and raw. Each vitamin has its importance: vitamin C (with 3.1 mg) promotes a healthy immune system and is essential for brain function. Vitamin A also stimulates the immune system and is important for the skin, eyes and gums.