How do you cook corn? There are many ways to do it, depending on the flavour and texture you’re after, how much time you have, what material you have available, and even what’s in fashion in the culinary world.

Start with the basics: boiled corn

The most traditional method is to cook corn in boiling water. For an “al dente” result, boil for 6 to 10 minutes, depending on the size of your cobs. Little details can subtly enrich the taste, like adding maple syrup to the water, or throwing in a few leaves from the husk.

How do you stop corn from becoming mushy?

Put the corn in a pot of water and make sure it comes to a rolling boil. Don’t overcrowd your cooking pot, it’s much better to do several batches. To help pass the time, enjoy the company of good friends and a cold beer from a microbrewery!

In a hurry? Use the microwave!

For quick cooking, roll the corn in plastic wrap and pop it in the microwave for 2 to 4 minutes on high heat. It’s as fast as saying popcorn!

On the grill: the sweet sound of crackling corn

When you cook corn on the BBQ, it takes on a whole new look! Grilling concentrates the natural sugars, blackening the kernels and making it look festive. It’s also good for cooking large quantities – just be careful not to stick them too closely together. 


To appreciate corn in its natural state, opt for the husk-on grilled version. Remove the tougher, more leathery outer leaves, then soak your corn in water for a minimum of 30 minutes. This prevents the leaves from burning too quickly when grilling. Pre-heat the BBQ to medium, then place corn directly on the grill for 10 to 15 minutes. If you have a wood fire or a charcoal grill, slide your corn straight into the embers. 

Cajun corn: fighting fire with fire!

To put a little spark in your evening, Alexis suggests preparing your corn Cajun style. First, cook corn for 3 minutes in boiling water. Next, mix mayonnaise, garlic powder and Sriracha sauce (or any other hot sauce that you like). Use this spicy mayonnaise to baste your corn on the cob and grill it on medium heat until browned, turning over several times. A guaranteed way to spice up your night!

Patriotic corn: bring Canadian maple syrup to the table

Maple syrup is at the heart of this lavish recipe from Robert. In a skillet, melt butter, then add soya sauce and maple syrup. Husk the corn completely, baste it generously and place on the BBQ away from direct heat. For perfect results, cook 3 minutes on each side for a total of 12 minutes. More adventurous folk may want to try sprinkling coconut flakes or cinnamon on the corn before serving. For best results, Robert suggests cooking on charcoal. Versatile, delicious, and simple yet never boring, everyone loves corn on the cob. 

Whether you’re in a rush, are conservative, adventurous, looking for something new or would like to impress, there is a way to make corn on the cob that answers all your needs. So let’s give this fresh and local vegetable the place of honour it deserves, bringing smiles and sunshine to the table.